Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness Centre provides a natural health care approach for wellness using a wide variety of treatment methods.The treatments include standard Ayurveda, natural energy medicine,Western or allopathic medicine and other natural holistic approaches.As opposed to simple diagnosing and treating diseases our goal is to vibrant health. We re-establish balance to achieve the good health we all deserve and desire. We encourage exploration of life and rejuvenation to achieve balance and joy.
Good Health is achieved through prevention . We use ancient and cutting-edge health system to help to achieve wellness. Ayurveda the science of life dates back over 5,000 years. It is a time tested health care system that follows nature . If one is out of balance, natural treatments and herbs are recommended to restore balance and health.Western medicine is useful for early detection through blood tests,pap smears and recommended lifestyle changes.We also teach proper breathing techniques for each individual person.