Ayurveda is the oldest medical system in the world and the essence of life. “Ayur ” and “Veda” result in Ayurveda.Ayurveda is a science of life to health and medicine. The living man is a combination of three humors Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Seven tissues Rasa, Mansa,Rakta,Asthi , Majja,Meda and Shukra) and waste of the body i.e. mala, mutra and sweda. Rishi Ayurveda is a branch of Njallakattu Group hailing from the traditional ayurvedic family aims to provide exceptional treatments at affordable costs.
People choose us for the following reasons
We are specialized in treating Diabetes ,Diabetes Retinopathy,Diabetes Neuropathy ,Diabetes Carbuncle ,Sinusitis,Thyroid AndAlzheimer’s.
FACILITIES at Rishi Ayurveda