Shadanga is based on the essence of ancient ayurveda which provides traditional Kerala Ayurveda cure for common health conditions through natural methods of Ayurveda. Shadanga aims on Panchakarma of Ayurveda for complete cure by eliminating root cause of the disease .Dr Archana B.A.M.S, DPM, the renowned Ayurvedic doctor from Kerala, is expert in conditions like Rheumatism,Arthritis,Hormonal imbalance , Female conditions like PCOD, Infertility,Varicose vein, Obesity, Sciatica, Spine problems including Lumbago & cervical issues. Special Rehabilitation programs for Ortho-Neuro conditions are available.We are specialized in Ayurveda,Yoga,Panchakarma,Ayurvedic Diet and Naturopathy.